Modi government is not doing anything new by advocating the significance of digital friendly environment in India. Many governments had tried to make an impact for the digitally & technically advancement of the country. Even though, our country was not much influenced by modern gadgets like smartphones, tablets, laptops etc at those points of time. There were no such easily approachable devices.
The way every entrepreneur and businessman is supporting Narendra Modi and seeking publicity & making him their 'poster boy'figure for their firms. It does seem like a strong strategical collaboration of Mr. Modi with the elites entrepreneurs of the country. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi's face is making their organisations prosperous and at the same time they are also promoting government's policies like that of so called "Digital India". Whether it's the head of Paytm or Reliance Digital.
The major step taken by PM Modi towards making India digital & cashless too is Demonetization. It was experienced as the devastating step for small scale businessmen, bank employees and for others as well. It had put an absolute adverse impact on the people. Public denounced this decision of demonetization massively. But, there are some people who recorded remarkable profits in their fields.
Digital Revolution under the shadow of Reliance-Jio would not have been succeeded without the so called "Public Welfare Policies" of the government. Clearly, Modi's Digital India Programme favored Ambani. You won't find it much surprising and interesting as you are already aware of their belongings & roots are deep inside Gujarat only.
Let's take an another example by picking up an another company, this time a company which is based in China. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
"Would Paytm have received the same amount of profit and publicity without the governmental policy of making India Cashless?"
Undoubtedly, Our PM is serving as the "PRADHAN SEWAK" for the betterment of mega-industrialists and he is working with full dedication & devotion for the sake of elites.
As far as the subject of employment generation is concerned. From the day one, NDA government is trying to withdraw their burden. Therefore, we might not get to see the increased number of vacancies in the government sector. Apparently, the idea to encourage everyone to sell pakodas seems more interesting than anything else.
According to the government officials, Demonetization took place to freeze the black money of the elites in the country. But the actual scenario tells the different story. Demonetization badly influenced the income of small scale businessmen. It was commenced to freeze the black money but actually it has frozen the income of poor people.
Maybe, our Prime Minister did not take the expectations seriously. In a country of over a billion people. Modi survived as the strongest face in the general election of 2014. There is no doubt at all that public performed according to the expectations of Modi.
But there are number of questions on the performance of Narendra Modi.
गावों की चारित्रिक विशेषताओं में से एक इसकी स्वागत करने की प्रवृत्ति है। शहर की भांति यहां पूंजीगत चकाचौंध और हर दिन एक नए उम्मीद को साधने का संघर्ष नहीं। शहर की तुलना में गांव अत्यधिक शांत और मनोरम लगता है। गांव का परिवेश आपको संवारता है और शहर में लोग परिवेश को हर रोज़ नई शक्ल दे रहे हैं। कभी फ्लाईओवर निर्माण, कभी मेट्रो निर्माण, कभी शॉपिंग माल आदि। शहर रुकता नहीं, यह गतिशील है। संघर्षरत है। जबकि गावों में यह गुण गौण हैं। ग्रामीण जीवन तमाम खुलेपन के बावजूद कई बंदिशों से बंधा रहता है। शहर में तंग गलियां, छोटे घर एवं सड़कों का ट्रैफिक भी आपको इतना नहीं बांधता जितना गावों का पिछड़ापन बांधता है। धार्मिक संलङता अवश्य ही ग्रामीण जीवन की एक सच्चाई है परन्तु यह कतई पिछड़ेपन को तो इंगित नहीं करती। मगर धार्मिक आधार पर रचे हुए आडंबर एवं कुरीतियां ज़रूर ग्रामीण समाज के पिछड़ेपन को परिलक्षित करते हैं। गावों के वातावरण एवं प्राकृत सौंदर्य की भांति यह कुरीतियां कतई मनभावन नहीं लगती। हालांकि अब कई घृणास्पद कुरीतियों का अंत हो चुका है, जातिगत विषमताएं भी पिछली सदी जितनी प्रखर नहीं दिखाई पड़ती। जो दुर...
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